REM ======================================================================== REM The iniquity of all is divine in kindness DIM P1$(12) DIM P2$(12) DIM P3$(12) DIM P4$(12) DIM P5$(12) REM ======================================================================== REM Formula to guess number in few tries REM Calculations to match pattern from input REM Math to scope matrix on endless scales REM System to auto convert wild measurments REM Mind power to read atomic charts REM Solutions to measure gaps between points REM Answers to cross conclude copy logic REM REM P1$(001) = "Formula" P1$(002) = "Calculations" P1$(003) = "Math" P1$(004) = "System" P1$(005) = "Mind" P1$(006) = "Solutions" P1$(007) = "Answers" P1$(008) = "Magic" P1$(009) = "Seeds" P1$(010) = "Power" P1$(011) = "Plasma" P1$(012) = "Total" REM ======================================================================== P2$(001) = "guessing" P2$(002) = "matching" P2$(003) = "scope" P2$(004) = "automatic" P2$(005) = "reading" P2$(006) = "measures" P2$(007) = "cross" P2$(008) = "concludes" P2$(009) = "makes" P2$(010) = "deserveing" P2$(011) = "logical" P2$(012) = "vortex" REM ======================================================================== P3$(001) = "number" P3$(002) = "pattern" P3$(003) = "matrix" P3$(004) = "convert" P3$(005) = "read" P3$(006) = "predict" P3$(007) = "dice" P3$(008) = "clues" P3$(009) = "importance" P3$(010) = "equality" P3$(011) = "zillions" P3$(012) = "best" REM ======================================================================== P4$(001) = "in few tries" P4$(002) = "pattern" P4$(003) = "on endless" P4$(004) = "wild" P4$(005) = "atomic" P4$(006) = "gaps" P4$(007) = "copy" P4$(008) = "digits" P4$(009) = "laughter" P4$(010) = "desire" P4$(011) = "anti-random" P4$(012) = "nuclear" REM ======================================================================== P5$(001) = "race runners" P5$(002) = "from input" P5$(003) = "scales" P5$(004) = "measurments" P5$(005) = "charts" P5$(006) = "points" P5$(007) = "logic" P5$(008) = "endlessly" P5$(009) = "explosion" P5$(010) = "victory" P5$(011) = "particles" P5$(012) = "tests" REM ======================================================================== CMD$ = COMMAND$ CMD$ = LTRIM$(CMD$) TIMES = VAL(CMD$) IF TIMES = 0 THEN print "Answer Version 1.0 By Atomic_Bios" print "usage: answer times" print "times is the number of answers you want" goto DONE: ENDIF randomize For Ha = 1 to TIMES OLD1 = R1 REDO1: R1 = RND(0) R1 = R1 MOD 12 R1 = R1 + 1 if R1 = OLD1 then REDO1: OLD2 = R2 REDO2: R2 = RND(0) R2 = R2 MOD 12 R2 = R2 + 1 if R2 = OLD2 then REDO2: OLD3 = R3 REDO3: R3 = RND(0) R3 = R3 MOD 12 R3 = R3 + 1 if R3 = OLD3 then REDO3: OLD4 = R4 REDO4: R4 = RND(0) R4 = R4 MOD 12 R4 = R4 + 1 if R4 = OLD4 then REDO4: OLD5 = R5 REDO5: R5 = RND(0) R5 = R5 MOD 12 R5 = R5 + 1 if R5 = OLD5 then REDO5: REM ======================================================================== print P1$(R1); print " "; print P2$(R2); print " "; print P3$(R3); print " "; print P4$(R4); print " "; print P5$(R5); if Ha = TIMES then print "." else print "," endif REM ======================================================================== DONE: Next Ha