REM ====================================================== dim SA1$(12) dim SA2$(12) dim SB1$(12) dim SB2$(12) dim SC1$(12) dim SC2$(12) dim SD1$(12) dim SD2$(12) dim SE1$(12) dim SE2$(12) dim SF1$(12) dim SF2$(12) REM ====================================================== SA1$(01) = "Endless thinking towards" SA1$(02) = "Massive ideas towards" SA1$(03) = "Infinite creativity for" SA1$(04) = "Super skills for" SA1$(05) = "Endless power towards" SA1$(06) = "Superior ideas to" SA1$(07) = "Clever plans for" SA1$(08) = "Infinite stratigy to" SA1$(09) = "Superior skills to" SA1$(10) = "Massive power to" SA1$(11) = "The reality of" SA1$(12) = "Endless quest for" SA2$(01) = "that goes forever" SA2$(02) = "that is super secret" SA2$(03) = "that simply wins" SA2$(04) = "using the mind" SA2$(05) = "using every resource" SA2$(06) = "that wins final victory" SA2$(07) = "that is top quality" SA2$(08) = "that warps it all" SA2$(09) = "that works and wins" SA2$(10) = "thats simply perfect" SA2$(11) = "for all we have" SA2$(12) = "for the magic seeds" REM ====================================================== SB1$(01) = "The even scale of the" SB1$(02) = "Blown up scale copy of" SB1$(03) = "The uses chart for the" SB1$(04) = "The sample copy scale of" SB1$(05) = "Every use scale for the" SB1$(06) = "Blown up scale for" SB1$(07) = "The color chart scale for" SB1$(08) = "A scale showing the" SB1$(09) = "A map on an even scale of" SB1$(10) = "The color chart using the" SB1$(11) = "A nice scale demo for" SB1$(12) = "A color chart graph chart of" SB2$(01) = "at each even step" SB2$(02) = "at every possible combination" SB2$(03) = "for every use" SB2$(04) = "that works in math" SB2$(05) = "for all the clear results" SB2$(06) = "that is simple" SB2$(07) = "that blows up accuratly" SB2$(08) = "and it works perfect" SB2$(09) = "that works very simple" SB2$(10) = "that blows up details" SB2$(11) = "for every use in math" SB2$(12) = "brings apon color codes" REM ====================================================== SC1$(01) = "Only one of" SC1$(02) = "Sold copy of" SC1$(03) = "Answers from" SC1$(04) = "Area within the" SC1$(05) = "Ready to find a" SC1$(06) = "A situation with" SC1$(07) = "Ready set to" SC1$(08) = "Golden vision of" SC1$(09) = "Solve meaning of" SC1$(10) = "Its all the best" SC1$(11) = "It works so make the" SC1$(12) = "Make it all work in the" SC2$(01) = "that are funny" SC2$(02) = "that make us happy" SC2$(03) = "that show us all" SC2$(04) = "that open the door" SC2$(05) = "that rock hard" SC2$(06) = "that open the door" SC2$(07) = "that struggle until done" SC2$(08) = "that open another world" SC2$(09) = "that show bright lights" SC2$(10) = "that travels every word chart" SC2$(11) = "that opens the one best door" SC2$(12) = "that can make anything" REM ====================================================== SD1$(01) = "Summon the anchient tool for" SD1$(02) = "Practical awareness for" SD1$(03) = "Simple uses of" SD1$(04) = "The most notable tool for" SD1$(05) = "The common use for" SD1$(06) = "A situation analasis of" SD1$(07) = "Top secret file for" SD1$(08) = "A superior quality use for" SD1$(09) = "The entire answer for" SD1$(10) = "The big picture of" SD1$(11) = "Every way of utilizing" SD1$(12) = "The power of elements for" SD2$(01) = "in every coordinate" SD2$(02) = "in all cases" SD2$(03) = "that tap the anchient way" SD2$(04) = "in hidden formulas" SD2$(05) = "that create diversions" SD2$(06) = "in small capsules" SD2$(07) = "for every unit of blood" SD2$(08) = "to automatically speak for you" SD2$(09) = "to withstand anything" SD2$(10) = "to capture total love" SD2$(11) = "that manuver every obsticle" SD2$(12) = "that call dreams" REM ====================================================== SE1$(01) = "Predict the moves of" SE1$(02) = "Think faster than" SE1$(03) = "Count every combination of" SE1$(04) = "Try every way to solve" SE1$(05) = "The flowing pattern of" SE1$(06) = "A pattern sine wave of" SE1$(07) = "Peer deepest into" SE1$(08) = "Use dream objects for" SE1$(09) = "The calculation of" SE1$(10) = "Worth of numbers for" SE1$(11) = "Worth of alphabet for" SE1$(12) = "Thinking as fast as" SE2$(01) = "that looks ahead" SE2$(02) = "that quickly learns" SE2$(03) = "that first knows it" SE2$(04) = "in ascii games" SE2$(05) = "on the board game" SE2$(06) = "of board game ideas" SE2$(07) = "for actual exploits" SE2$(08) = "timing clocks frequencies" SE2$(09) = "buried deep in brain" SE2$(10) = "faster than you" SE2$(11) = "into the computer master" SE2$(12) = "into the fastest thinker" REM ====================================================== SF1$(01) = "The very best" SF1$(02) = "The final tool for" SF1$(03) = "Your favorite" SF1$(04) = "Most recent tool for" SF1$(05) = "A very great way of" SF1$(06) = "The best path for" SF1$(07) = "The entire finished" SF1$(08) = "The ultimate" SF1$(09) = "A wonderful" SF1$(10) = "The perfect" SF1$(11) = "A very nice" SF1$(12) = "The total system of" SF2$(01) = "that finds the lock" SF2$(02) = "that opens the lock" SF2$(03) = "that cracks the code" SF2$(04) = "using elite exploits" SF2$(05) = "thats very nice" SF2$(06) = "that functions nice" SF2$(07) = "in the whole structure" SF2$(08) = "in our own plans" SF2$(09) = "in spinning arrows" SF2$(10) = "in every assumption" SF2$(11) = "that wins the deal" SF2$(12) = "that wins the victory" REM ====================================================== R1 = 0 R2 = 0 print "Idea Generator Version 1.0 By Atomic_Bios" KMD$ = COMMAND$ KMD$ = LTRIM$(KMD$) IF KMD$ = "" THEN print "usage: ideas times text" print "times is the amount of ideas to make" print "text is a any word" END ENDIF T1$ = "" T2$ = "" X = 1 L = len(KMD$) FOR J = 1 to L K$ = mid$(KMD$,J,1) IF K$ = " " THEN X = 2 GOTO SkpSpc: ENDIF IF X = 1 THEN T1$ = T1$ + K$ ELSE T2$ = T2$ + K$ ENDIF SkpSpc: NEXT J T1$ = LTRIM$(T1$) T2$ = LTRIM$(T2$) T1$ = RTRIM$(T1$) T2$ = RTRIM$(T2$) N = VAL(T1$) IF T2$ = "" THEN Invalid: IF N = 0 THEN Invalid: print "invalid paramiter" END ENDIF Main: randomize A$ = T2$ for jkl = 1 to N OLD1 = R1 Redo1: R1 = rnd(0) R1 = R1 mod 12 R1 = R1 + 1 if OLD1 = R1 then Redo1: OLD2 = R2 Redo2: R2 = rnd(0) R2 = R2 mod 12 R2 = R2 + 1 if OLD2 = R2 then Redo2: Redo3: R3 = rnd(0) R3 = R2 mod 6 R3 = R3 + 1 if OLD3 = R3 then Redo3: IF R3 = 1 THEN print SA1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SA2$(R2); ENDIF IF R3 = 2 THEN print SB1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SB2$(R2); ENDIF IF R3 = 3 THEN print SC1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SC2$(R2); ENDIF IF R3 = 4 THEN print SD1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SD2$(R2); ENDIF IF R3 = 5 THEN print SE1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SE2$(R2); ENDIF IF R3 = 6 THEN print SF1$(R1); print " "; print A$; print " "; print SF2$(R2); ENDIF print "." next jkl