BINARY SCIENCE OF THE GORF FIRST EDITION Shawn Cook Joan Welch Tom Cook Phil Genest Jessica Cook Tyler Rich Debbie Bereshny Scott Daily Jason Daily Lauren Rich Chris Rich Amanda Spenlinhauer Bobby Welch Andy Soulard John Simpson Dr. Oulette Dr. Kerby Dr. Lantos Dr. Stroodle 01) THERE IS A GORF COMPILER AND ASSEMBLER 02) GORF CAN CREATE A VARIETY OF SOFTWARE 03) THERE ARE MANY UNIQUE FEATURES IN GORF 04) THERE ARE BEGINNING BASICS TO KNOW 05) 01) THERE IS A GORF COMPILER AND ASSEMBLER On a computer a compiler and assembler called Gorf can be installed. Once installed, programmers can create a mysteriously wide variety of computer programs. Many long, tedious chunks of assembly language were assembled into Gorf for the purpose of offering it's users a simple way of doing tremendous programming jobs in just a few commands. It was obvious that a very main objective of this was to produce extremely tiny executable binaries using pure BIOS hexadecimal, providing an exceptional and ever outstanding language for low level boot sector design. Applications that appear huge and tedious to ever make, especially on assembly language, can be done in very little time, in a much more organized fashion. 02) GORF CAN CREATE A VARIETY OF SOFTWARE The .com executable program files can become very immaculate and sophisticated and incredibly tiny. There ia tremendous flexibility in generating random seeds, randomized patterns, and random phrases. Boxes, symmetrical patterns, lines, and any background images can be drawn, creating an excellent integration for colorful and creative objective compilation. With non existent limits, seemingly in function and size, Gorf cannot be compared, neither be similar to any other programming language. The simplicity of programming boot sectors and operating systems is intensified drastically in this language. Complex row and column coordinates for video games can be done simplistically, with total control over the color palettes. 03) THERE ARE MANY UNIQUE FEATURES IN GORF Gorf supports every BIOS screen mode, those that designed Gorf strived for new and unique video modes. Gorf requires extensive use of CPU registers AL and SI. Once provided a general know how, many years of programming experience can be merged seamlessly into anothers. One major and luscious quality is that all of gorf itself can be burned onto a microchip, or loaded directly from a typical boot sector. Tasks that would take lifetimes, and chores previously concidered too tedious or impossible, can be done easily. Some commands may shock, or even defy your understanding, have been intergrated. The use of segments, offsets, and memory give a completly new meaning to complete flexability. Gorf self compiles, in other words, you can change and modify its every aspect, using a well thought out and infinite library structure. The float register st0 has every benafit of assembly language, while also the pure genius of its creator. 04) THERE ARE BEGINNING BASICS TO KNOW Gorf requires a deep understanding of CPU registers SI, CX, and AL. Also general use of BX and DX. Users must be capable of counting in hex, and hold a basic understaiding of microchips, I/O ports, and memory access and manipulation. And certainly knowledge pushing and popping the stack is neccessary. Users should also know color codes, keyboard scan codes, and int vector tables. This book assumes the reader has met all of these requirements. If you are good with assembly language, or BASIC language, or both, Gorf should come naturally. Total beginners must know how to perform and memorize long, large, complex number structures. 05)